Venky Atluri, the popular Telugu director made his Tamil debut with ‘Vaathi’ starring Dhanush in the lead role, and the bilingual drama was also released along with the Telugu version. The bilingual drama took a stand against the school educational system, and the film was set in the early 1990s. Venky Atluri earlier made a statement that he will dismiss the caste-based reservation system if he becomes an educational minister one day and will allocate quota based on the economy. But Venky Atluri’s statement turned into a debate and he was trolled by netizens since reservation allocation will come under the Ministry of Social Justice and Environment.
However, Venky Atluri has now explained his speech in the latest interaction with a new channel and said he doesn’t know the history and policies in Tamil Nadu well. He tried to say that he will allocate seats for students based on their needs since several students, who wish to study were unable to continue their dream due to family situations. But his words were understood since the Telugu director is not good in Tamil.
However, Venky Atluri has now explained his speech in the latest interaction with a new channel and said he doesn’t know the history and policies in Tamil Nadu well. He tried to say that he will allocate seats for students based on their needs since several students, who wish to study were unable to continue their dream due to family situations. But his words were understood since the Telugu director is not good in Tamil.
‘Vaathi’ features Dhanush and Samyuktha in lead roles, and the Tamil-Telugu bilingual has been titled ‘Sir’ in Telugu. Both versions have been earning solid numbers at the box office, while the film has grossed over Rs 75 crores worldwide in 8 days. The film’s second-weekend collection looks stable and might breach the Rs. 100 crore mark at the end of its second week.
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