The 10 Best So-Bad-They’re-Good Movies on Disney Plus

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The 10 Best So-Bad-They’re-Good Movies on Disney Plus
The 10 Best So-Bad-They’re-Good Movies on Disney Plus


There’s a whole range of movies that can be watched on Disney+, seeing as Disney owns the rights to what feels like a near-infinite amount of properties. A good deal of those movies are popular, either because they’re nostalgic for many viewers, or belong to popular franchises. But the quality can’t quite match the sheer quantity, and this leads to there being some hidden anti-gems buried within the pile of content that Disney owns.

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What follows are 10 movies that range from bad but fun to potential guilty pleasures. It would be a stretch to call any of these movies good, but when viewed from the right point of view, there can be entertainment gained from them. For viewers who enjoy the idea of watching something ironically, or find creative missteps interesting and engaging in their own ways, the following 10 titles on Disney+ may hold value.

‘Jack’ (1996)

Francis Ford Coppola is responsible for directing some all-time classics. Looking at any list which covers great movies from the 1970s will tell you as much, given there’s a good chance that Coppola’s The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, and Apocalypse Now will appear there. His career beyond the 1970s has stayed diverse and unpredictable, with 1996’s Jack further making this clear.

It’s a baffling watch from its premise alone, which sees Robin Williams playing a 10-year-old boy with a rare condition that makes him look four times older than he really is, mixing awkward comedy with mawkishly sentimental drama along the way. With humor that’s hit or miss at best and drama that’s hard to take seriously, it’s at least an interesting watch, even if it’s interesting in a morbidly fascinating way.

‘Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure’ (1984)

Caravan of Courage_ An Ewok Adventure - 1984

Everyone knows about the original Star Wars trilogy, and the general consensus is that they’re great movies. While later Star Wars trilogies proved far more divisive, viewers can agree on the first three movies, but it’s unlikely that all of those fans know about the two Ewok-focused spin-offs that immediately followed 1983’s Return of the Jedi, being released as made-for-TV movies.

The first of these two spin-offs is called Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, and centers on Ewoks helping two stranded human children to find their parents. It’s a low-budget, clunky, silly movie, but could prove to be a lot of fun for Star Wars fans who want to watch something that’s technically within the same universe, while offering a different kind of entertainment to the actually good movies in the series.

‘Cars 2’ (2011)

Cars 2 - 2011

Simply put, the only way to enjoy the miserable and baffling movie that is Cars 2 is to laugh at how ludicrous it is. The first Cars (while far from a masterpiece) at least has some things going for it, and something of a message and character arc for its protagonist. It is, at minimum, a legitimate movie. Cars 2 is just a disaster on every level.

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It’s a movie that makes the incredibly poor decision of making the grating comic relief character of the first Cars (Mater) the protagonist, meaning that those who barely tolerated him the first time around are going to struggle this time. The plot also turns into an action/spy one for no reason, taking the focus off of racing, and some of the violence inflicted upon the various car characters is jarringly brutal. It’s a crazy movie, and not really in a good way, making for a wild viewing experience.

‘That Darn Cat’ (1997)

That Darn Cat - 1997

It’s hard to expect something ordinary out of a movie that’s called That Darn Cat. This darn movie is indeed about a darn cat who makes things darn hard for a would-be kidnapper, after the kidnapped victim manages to scratch a message onto said darn cat’s collar, which motivates the darn cat’s darn owner to play amateur detective.

Combining family movie tropes with a crime-related story is never going to be easy to do, and That Darn Cat doesn’t exactly excel in this regard. It was a remake of a fairly obscure Disney movie from the 1960s, so maybe it never really stood a chance at being a good film… but that doesn’t mean its silly premise can’t be enjoyed a little more ironically.

‘The Return of Jafar’ (1994)

The Return of Jafar - 1994

Most can agree that Disney’s first Aladdin movie is a classic. After all, it retold an old story well, and featured Robin Williams delivering a hilarious and beloved performance as a genie sidekick who essentially stole the entire movie. Unfortunately, there was money to be made by producing cheap, straight-to-video sequels of beloved Disney movies back in the 1990s, and 1994’s The Return of Jafar might be the most infamous example.

It’s a bit laughable from the title alone, given few people felt it was necessary (or plausible) for Jafar to return after he got trapped in a lamp and banished at the end of the first movie. Add that to the cheap-looking animation, and the fact they couldn’t get Williams back, and you have yourself a well below-average sequel that stands as a testament to why low-budget follow-ups to animated classics aren’t exactly the best idea.

‘Thor: The Dark World’ (2013)

Chris-Hemsworth-Thor-Thor-The-Dark-World battling against enemies

Some might even find it difficult to enjoy Thor: The Dark World in a way that’s cynical or ironic, but one thing’s for sure: it’s your best option, seeing as there’s even less of a chance that you’d be able to enjoy this Thor sequel unironically.

It’s perhaps the most forgettable movie in the MCU, and feels inconsequential to the series as a whole, seeing as it sends Thor and Loki off on a fairly unimportant adventure that changes little for future movies. Laughing at it for being unimportant and almost comically vanilla is probably the best option for those who aren’t willing to simply forget that it exists altogether.

‘G-Force’ (2009)


G-Force never really had a chance to be great, given it’s about talking guinea pigs who are also secret agents, and find themselves wrapped up in a conspiracy whereby they need to save the world. However, it’s still surprising to watch it and witness for yourself just how bad it really is.

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It’s the kind of movie that tries to have a couple of jokes every minute (at least), which is a good thing when the jokes are funny, but agonizing when they’re not. It’s possible to almost find it funny how not funny it is, and also possible to be driven mad by how often the movie chooses to spam Black Eyed Peas song on its soundtrack. For masochistic viewers of bad kid’s movies, G-Force is as stupid and challenging as it gets.

‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (2016)

The X-Men film series is a remarkably inconsistent one. There are many good films within it, and then a handful that are borderline unwatchable. X-Men: Apocalypse walks an interesting line between the two extremes, because while it’s not a good movie, it’s also somewhat fun because of how bombastic and all over the shop it is.

It introduces Apocalypse, who’s the world’s first mutant, and he… well, he wants to bring about an apocalypse. As such, all the other X-Men team up to stop him. It’s very silly and takes itself too seriously for such an over-the-top premise, which naturally makes it potentially entertaining schlock for viewers who get a kick out of that kind of thing.

‘Fantastic Four’ (2015)

The cast of Fantastic Four (2015)

Hilariously stylized (and referred to by some) as Fant4stic, this attempt to reboot Fantastic Four in 2015 was far from well-received. It took the series in a strangely dark direction, with the grimmer tone contrasting awkwardly with the inherent goofiness present in the Fantastic Four series as a whole.

It’s a shame it didn’t turn out great, because the cast is solid and the director – Josh Trank – made a compelling, dark superhero movie a few years earlier (2012’s Chronicle). Still, thanks to its incredibly negative reception (it’s only at a 9% rating on Rotten Tomatoes), it holds entertainment value as a superhero movie that just doesn’t work in any capacity.

‘Kazaam’ (1996)

Image Via Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

For anyone who needs more genies in Disney movies and isn’t satisfied with just the pre-existing Aladdin movies, Kazaam’s got your back. It centers on a down-on-his-luck kid who stumbles upon a lamp that houses a wish-granting genie, finding his life changing in interesting ways once said genie is released.

The funniest aspect of Kazaam’s existence is that people confuse it with a movie called Shazaam… which never actually existed. Otherwise, this is a very goofy, very dated family-friendly comedy that can be entertaining when viewed as a silly piece of entertainment from a bygone era.

NEXT: Movies Below 10% On Rotten Tomatoes That Are Actually Worth Watching


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