Thalapathy Vijay’s fans in Qatar and Kuwait won’t be able to catch up on Beast. The movie has been banned in these two nations. The news was shared by trade analyst Ramesh Bala on Twitter. This is the second film after Vishal’s FIR to be banned in these two countries. In an exclusive with DNA, he told them that the government is not happy with the terrorist angle of the movie and its portrayal. Ramesh Bala said, “In both movies, FIR and Beast, the main villain and his gang happened to be from an Islamic terrorist gang, and these film also touches upon the topic of (extremist groups like) Al-Qaeda, ISIS… so this is the understanding from these two countries.”
As per Ramesh Bala, the terror angle does not match with the sentiments of the people in Qatar and Kuwait. It seems they did not approve of it. The pre-release buzz of Beast is fabulous. The trailer has got a thunderous response and the songs are a rage. The number Alamathi Habibo is doing great on social media. Ramesh Bala said the first day collections of Thalapathy Vijay’s Beast could be around Rs 60-65 at the global box office.
The film is coming on April 13, 2022. It is going to clash with Shahid Kapoor’s Jersey and Yash’s KGF 2. Ramesh Bala told DNA, “The film will earn a minimum of Rs 130 crores worldwide in its first weekend, and 30% of earning can be expected from the overseas market.” Beast is directed by Nelson Dilipkumar and Thalapathy Vijay’s action scenes have been raved about on social media.
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