Starring Saiju Kurup, Vijayaraghavan, Srindaa and Aju Varghese in key roles, Pappachan Olivilanu proves to be a disappointment from start to finish due to its exceptionally weak writing.
Malayalis have had a deep fondness for family and comedy dramas since the early days of the regional film industry. Not only were most of these movies commercially successful, but they also continue to hold a special place in the hearts of audiences. Despite their problematic narratives and subpar production, people still rewatch these old films quite often. Even today, movies of such nature can easily attract viewers if they meet a minimum standard of quality.
The newest addition to Malayalam cinema’s long list of comedy dramas is debutant Sinto Sunny’s Pappachan Olivilanu. The movie features Saiju Kurup in the lead role as Pappachan, a middle-aged man with a habit of indulging in thallu (excessive bragging and boasting). The son of Meesha Mathan (Vijayaraghavan), a well-known hunter in the area, Pappachan has always desired to earn the same respect and admiration from the villagers as his father does.
Despite his efforts, Pappachan has never been able to earn the respect he seeks, and his attempts have consistently backfired, leading those around him to label him as a habitual braggart. Even after repeatedly claiming that he will one day hunt down a wild buffalo, all his endeavours in this regard end in miserable failures. Meanwhile, one of his lies goes terribly wrong, leading him to go into hiding to evade the police and forest department. The remainder of the movie revolves around the unfolding events of this situation.
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Despite the film’s average plot, a closer examination reveals that it had the potential to create an enjoyable comedy drama. Set in a village with relatable characters from real-life scenarios, it revolves around a central character reminiscent of Baron Munchausen, known for telling tall tales. The events that follow his exaggerations could promise a good time for viewers. Pappachan Olivilanu, however, disappoints due to its extremely poor writing. Right from the start, the film presents a series of moments without leaving any impact. The lack of a compelling inciting incident in the first act results in a bland space filled with unnecessary moments, repeatedly emphasizing Pappachan’s habit of bragging. Additionally, characters appear and disappear without making significant contributions to the narrative.
The decision to place the inciting incident around the interval negatively affected the film, leading to an unnecessarily stretched first half with no notable moments or humour. Unfortunately, the expectations of an engaging second half are dashed, as the narrative meanders without any clear direction. The movie, in this part too, lacks memorable moments and fails miserably in eliciting laughter, leaving audiences questioning its purpose and relevance.
Although Saiju Kurup performs decently, the character Pappachan feels like a combination of various roles he has played recently. Not only does the character lack originality, but its conception and execution by the actor also resemble many of Saiju’s recent performances. Vijayaraghavan, with his limited screen time, once again shines, leaving one to question why the filmmakers didn’t delve deeper into his character Meesha Mathan, which had more layers than all the other characters combined in the film.
While both Srindaa and Aju Varghese appear to have significant roles, they are left with nothing remarkable to showcase. Though Alexander Prasanth delivered a memorable performance earlier this year in the procedural dark comedy Purusha Pretham, his portrayal of a petty cop in this movie falls short of leaving a noteworthy impression. While Jagadish occasionally makes insignificant appearances, Johny Antony presents a typical Johny Antony-ish below-mediocre performance.
Despite Kottayam Nazeer managing to evoke some occasional laughter, his efforts are overshadowed by the overall quality of the script. On the other hand, Darshana Sudarsan stays true to her character, providing some relief to the audience. However, in the grand scheme of things, even her performance fails to salvage the lacklustre movie in any significant way.
The background score by Ouseppachan in Pappachan Olivilaanu is excessively outdated, adding to the annoyance factor. Not only do the tracks fail to evoke emotions, but they also adversely affect the overall viewing experience. The songs in the movie are forgettable as well. Binoop S Devan’s sound mixing exacerbates the situation, adding to the catastrophe. The need to include sound effects in many shots to highlight jokes underscores the lack of impact in the writing once again. The only aspect that seems well-executed in an otherwise subpar production is Sujith Mattannur’s costume design.
In short, Pappachan Olivilaanu is yet another Malayalam film that delves into the realm of experimentation, pushing the boundaries to see ‘how far is too far’, thus testing the patience of viewers to the very limit.
Pappachan Olivilaanu movie cast: Saiju Kurup, Vijayaraghavan, Srindaa, Aju Varghese, Alexander Prasanth, Kottayam Nazeer, Darshana Sudarsan
Pappachan Olivilaanu movie director: Sinto Sunny
Pappachan Olivilaanu movie rating: 0.5 stars
© IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd
First published on: 04-08-2023 at 16:48 IST