Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently revealed his next film Jawan with director Atlee. Shah Rukh Khan’s most awaited pan-India film will release on June 2, 2023. Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, the film will star Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, and Sunil Grover in the main roles. The film will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. There were reports that South actress Nayanthara was not the first choice to play the lead role alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the Jawan film. Yes, you read that right! A few months ago, there were rumors that Samantha Ruth Prabhu was approached for the film in 2019, but she had turned down the offer. According to Mid-Day’s latest report, Samantha decided to opt out of Jawan as she was planning to go the family way with her actor-ex-husband Naga Chaitanya. Due to this, the makers of the film had to offer the role to Nayanthara.
Samantha and Naga parted ways and announced the news of their separation on social media. The rumors of their separation came in when Samantha dropped Akkineni from her public profiles. Their separation news left their fans in deep shock.
Talking about Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan and Sanya were recently spotted filming a few portions of the film at a hospital in Mumbai. On the work front, Shah Rukh will be seen in Pathaan and Dunki.
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