Nayanthara tied the knot with her long-time boyfriend and director Vignesh Shivan on June 9 morning at a popular resort in Mahabalipuram. And it seems like not just the actress’ life has changed but her professional space might also undergo big changes. If the latest report is to be believed, the Lady Superstar has decided to refrain from performing romantic or intimate scenes with her male co-actors onscreen.
According to Bollywood Hungama, Nayanthara will be taking a break from her acting career to spend more quality time with her director husband. After she will return to acting, she will no longer romance her co-stars. However, an official statement from Nayanthara on her big decision is awaited.
While Shah Rukh Khan is known for avoiding intimacy on the screen and this might favour her in Atlee’s next Jawan, Nayanthara’s colleagues in South also happen to be okay with the no-cuddling-no-touching policy. It remains to be seen how this decision will shape Nayanthara’s career.
After getting married in a dreamy ceremony, Vignesh posted his first wedding picture on social media wherein he was seen planting a kiss on his wife’s forehead. Vignesh tied the sacred ‘Thali’ around Nayanthara’s neck at around 10.24 a.m. on their big day. Sources said that the couple came down the stage after the wedding and took the blessings of superstar Rajinikanth who was seated next to Shah Rukh Khan and director Mani Ratnam in the audience.
The couple made arrangements to provide lunch to over a lakh people all across the state as part of their wedding arrangements. They provided food to destitute people and inmates of old age homes all across the state. This apart, arrangements for Annadanam at select temples was also made by the celebrity couple. As part of their wedding arrangements, the couple also chose to provide food to 18,000 children all across the state.
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