Most ‘in-Demand’ Movies Go Beyond Box Office: ‘Encanto,’ ‘No Way Home’

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Most ‘in-Demand’ Movies Go Beyond Box Office: ‘Encanto,’ ‘No Way Home’


The research firm Parrot Analytics recently launched “movie demand,” a metric that measures the engagement and popularity of films beyond the box office.

Chris Hemsworth as Thor in “Thor: Love and Thunder.”

Marvel Studios

Parrot Analytics’ audience demand measurement reflects engagement with a title that includes not just viewership, but also social-media interaction and online research.

The company provided Insider with a list of the most in-demand movies from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

The movies are a mix of theatrical exclusives,


exclusives, and movies that were released simultaneously in both formats. They reflect the different strategies that Hollywood studios adopted during the pandemic.

The data shows how franchise IP, particularly superhero movies, will continue to dominate the theatrical space, while family animation is attractive on streaming platforms.

Demand in this case reflects how much more in demand each movie was compared to the average. The top 10 most in-demand movies during that time period follow.


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