Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt got married today in Mumbai. Their wedding was attended by close friends and family members. Now Ranbir Kapoor’s alleged ex Katrina Kaif has wished them on their shaadi. She commented on Instagram, Congratulations to both of u. All the love and happiness.” Her comment has been liked 16725 times already. She wrote this under Alia’s post who shared pictures with Ranbir. Alia had written, “Today, surrounded by our family and friends, at home … in our favourite spot – the balcony we’ve spent the last 5 years of our relationship – we got married. With so much already behind us, we can’t wait to build more memories together … memories that are full of love, laughter, comfortable silences, movie nights, silly fights, wine delights and Chinese bites. Thank you for all the love and light during this very momentous time in our lives. It has made this moment all the more special. Love, Ranbir and Alia ✨♥️” Have a look at Alia’s post and Katrina’s comment below:
Meanwhile, wishing the couple, Karan Johar, who also attended the shaadi wrote, “It’s days like this that we live for …where there is the most beautiful blend of family, love and absolute emotion….. overwhelmed and so full of love in my heart… my darling @aliaabhatt this is such a beautiful life step and my love and blessings go with you everywhere … Ranbir ! I love you… now and forever!You are now my son in law…badhai ho and here’s to decades of happiness.”
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