The makers of Panchayat starring Jitendra Kumar recently dropped its second season. Now, fans are eager to have season 3 as well and want to know how the story will progress. Will Rinki get married to Sachiv Ji? There is also curiosity to know if Pradhan ji and Manju Devi will end up losing in elections. Jitendra recently opened up on whether there was any pressure for season 2 and the possibility of having Panchayat 3. In an interview to Free Press Journal India, he said, “There is no pressure though many things have definitely improved in comparison to the earlier season, yet it has few similarities as well. I think the viewers will love season two as well, owing to its accelerating situations and the intriguing story line.”
He went on to add, “During the first season, people were free and had time to sit and watch many series. We received loads of love then hope this time also they take out some time. We are hoping for Panchayat season three as well.”
Meanwhile, in an interview with Indian Express, Jeetendra was asked about how would his journey be had it not been for OTT. He had said, “Well I haven’t seen that journey, so I cannot comment on it. But yes, I think getting the first break is the toughest. But we have a lot of inspiring examples around us – outsiders who managed to make their mark. I think that gives a lot of hope. However, we cannot deny how important YouTube and other digital platforms became for many actors.”
So did you watch the second season? And are you all excited for Panchayat 3? Tweet to us @bollywood_life and let us know.
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