Wolverine star Hugh Jackman talks perspective on X-Men movies after the numerous allegations against director Bryan Singer over the last few years.
Content warning: This article contains discussions of sexual violence.Hugh Jackman talks perspective on the X-Men movies after the numerous allegations against director Bryan Singer over the past few years. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has come a long way, but they were not the first shared universe for superheroes on the big screen. In the early 2000s, back when Marvel Studios didn’t have the rights to the X-Men, the iconic mutants were brought to life cinematically. The first two films were directed by Singer, who served a big role in adapting the X-Men from page to screen. However, over the last two decades, Singer has become a controversial figure in Hollywood, facing numerous allegations.
One of the stars of the X-Men franchise is Jackman, who portrayed Logan, a.k.a Wolverine, for almost 20 years offers his complex feelings over the series’ legacy. In a recent interview with The Guardian, the Australian star was asked if Jackman sees Singer’s misconduct allegations as having tainted the X-Men films. While calling it a “really complicated question,” Jackman stressed that despite Singer’s controversies, the movies still play a huge role in today’s superhero medium. Here’s what Jackman had to say about the topic in detail:
“You know, that’s a really, really complicated question. There’s a lot of things at stake there. X-Men was the turning point, I believe, in terms of comic-book movies and I think there’s a lot to be proud of. And there’s certainly questions to be asked and I think they should be asked. But I guess I don’t know how to elegantly answer that. I think it’s complex and ultimately I look back with pride at what we’ve achieved and what momentum that started.”
The Allegations Against Bryan Singer Explained
While Singer has not worked on any TV or movie projects since 2019, many may not know what the filmmaker has been accused of over the years. As early as 1997, Singer was accused of sexual misconduct during the Apt Pupil’s production. It involved a 14-year-old-extra accusing the filmmaker of asking him and other minors to be nude for a shower scene. In 2014, Singer was accused of having both drugged and raped Michael Egan, an actor, and model, in the late 1990s. Another lawsuit was filed against Singer in 2017 by Cesar Sanchez-Guzman, who alleged that Singer had raped him when he was 17.
More rape allegations were brought up about Singer in 2019 when four men came out with stories about the director. Singer had allegedly sexually assaulted them when they were minors. While Singer has continued to deny all allegations over the years, Hollywood severed ties with him. Even though Singer has kept producer titles on projects that came out before 2020, he has not worked on anything since then. The filmmaker was initially set to direct a Red Sonja movie before Millenium Films had scrapped his version of the project.
The X-Men Movies Remain A Superhero Genre Milestone
Outside the Singer controversies, the X-Men films still remain a massive milestone for the superhero genre, especially in the early 2000s. Before the MCU was even a thing, the X-Men and Spider-Man properties were part of raising the comic book genre on the big screen. After Batman & Robin flopped in the 1990s, it was seemingly the end of the superhero adventure cinematically. But when the first X-Men movie opened in theaters, it was a soft reset for comic book franchises. Had X-Men not been successful, the comic book genre would maybe not be where it is today, especially the MCU.
Source: The Guardian
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