In the latest episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, we saw Anupamaa played by Rupali Ganguly attending Abhimanyu played by Harshad Chopda and Akshara played by Pranali Rathod’s engagement ceremony. Fans of both show are totally impressed by how AbhiRa stood by Anupamaa and encouraged her to get married to Anuj Kapadia without any inhibitions. Fans are calling it the best moment of Anupamaa and Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’s maha sangham. Later, Akshara and Anupamaa even danced together. Check out a few tweets below:
Anu was so affected by their words
she needed this support & push when all?is fighting her dream & right for having her life the way she wants❤
& our gentleman abhi as usual❤GUYSS we ll be having #AbhiRa in #MaAn shaadi too?#yrkkh #HarshadChopda #RupaliGanguly #Anupamaa pic.twitter.com/ppWNhTjYgJ
— ALsHaYmA ? (@alshaiema) March 28, 2022
Lots of love & blessing to #Abhira and thanks for supporting #Anupamaa n raising voice for this issue of “LOVE HAS NO AGE BARS”@TheRupali @ChopdaHarshad @pranalirathod
Excited to see them as QUARTET on #MaAn wedding wid another dance performance?||#Anupamaa #Abhira #yrkkh || pic.twitter.com/Mjvka4XT9k
— Jiya_☘️ (@Jiyaprabhaa) March 28, 2022
Cuties ..!!! ???#Harshadchopda #Abhimanyubirla #yrkkh #yrkkh3 @OrmaxMedia #AbhiRa #AbhiRaKiShaadi pic.twitter.com/x1qQJLKTco
— Rag main teri Ragni??? (Ladke wale) (@DeepikaHans3) March 28, 2022
#AbhiRa supporting #Anupamaa .
Love has no age , language or religion! #yrkkh pic.twitter.com/zmCI0iZQpu
— प्रेरणा सिंह (@mynameisprerna) March 28, 2022
“… no SADNESS COME 2 THESE HEARTS. Let d souls B filled wid d BLESSING of JOY n PEACE…”?#Anupama taking away evil eyes of #AbhiRa n vice versa and that smile they bear? what a lovely sight to watch♥️
Thu Thu Thu?#yrkkh #Anupamaa pic.twitter.com/ZxHB1jY3EU— Jiya_☘️ (@Jiyaprabhaa) March 28, 2022
Well, indeed it was very emotional but entertaining moment. Now we can’t wait to witness MaAn and AbhiRa’s weddings.
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