Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s grand wedding is just a couple of days away. The Big Fat Indian wedding will begin on 13th April. The Brahmastra duo will tie the knot on 17th April 2022 at the RK Studios which is decked up in lights. The two lovebirds had been keeping mum on their wedding planning and deets. However, Alia finally reacted to the wedding buzz. Youtuber BeYouNick shared a hilarious reel video on Alia and Ranbir’s wedding and the Darlings actress couldn’t help but react to it.
The video features BeYouNick running and crying on the streets. He is seen following a car that has the banner of ‘Alia weds Ranbir’ on the boot of the car. “Me on 17th April,” BeYouNick captioned the post and dropped a heartbreak emoticon alongside it. Alia couldn’t stop herself from reacting to it. She commented on his post saying, “Ded,” with a laughing emoticon. BeYouNick responded by saying, “@aliaabhatt So am I from inside.” Check out the hilarious video on Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt wedding by BeYouNick here:
Meanwhile, Ranbir and Alia are expected to make a formal wedding announcement soon. Unlike Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, the two will not keep it hush-hush. An insider told BollywoodLife, “Alia and Ranbir have always been vocal about their love and relationship. Then why would they not talk about their marriage? The IT couple of Bollywood will make an announcement of their wedding within a few days. Ranbir himself told the media that he and Alia have all the intentions of getting married soon. They haven’t made any official announcement because they are extremely busy with their prep. Both Ranbir and Alia have fulfilled all their professional commitments and have currently engrossed themselves in the preparations as just merely a week left.”
Meanwhile, reports state that Ranbir will opt for Manish Malhotra couture whereas Alia Bhatt will go with Sabyasachi for their D-Day!
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