Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi’s Acharya has tanked badly at the box office. The movie which was made on a budget of Rs 140 crore has apparently made only Rs 70 to 75 crores so far. Acharya has not been able to cover its costs and the losses are reportedly to the tune of Rs 90 crores. On Twitter, some handles are discussing how exhibitors have asked for compensation to the tune of Rs 50 crores. Chiranjeevi, Pooja Hegde and Koratala Siva are the three people who have been affected the most. The next project of Koratala Siva is with Jr NTR and it will be his 30th movie.
Nandamuri Taaraka Rama Rao or Jr NTR got immense love as Komaram Bheem in the film, RRR. The movie is one of the biggest hits in the history of Indian cinema and is still running in theatres. As per the below Twitter handle, Jr NTR is having a serious discussion with Koratala Siva about the subject of his movie. It seems he has become a little apprehensive. In this era of OTT, the audience is very choosy about what kind of movies they want to see on the big screen.
Discussions going on between NTR and Koratala about the subject of #NTR30
After the recent debacle of #Acharya Young Tiger NTR is doubtful on Koratala to handle Big Stars as we heard#SarkaruVaariPaata #RRRMovie
— Box Office Bulliten®️ (@Offl_BO) May 4, 2022
#NTR is reportedly not happy, as Top ranked Heroines are not willing to work with him. #AliaBhat and #KiaraAdvani have rejected him and no other alternative is viable for him. #NTR30#SarkaruVaariPaata #Acharya #RRRMovie
— Box Office Bulliten®️ (@Offl_BO) May 4, 2022
Ram Charan has his film with Shankar on hand. Kiara Advani is the heroine of the same. Chiranjeevi is awaiting the remake of Lucifer while Pooja Hegde has Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali in her kitty. Janatha Garage which was directed by Koratala Siva is one of the big hits of Jr NTR’s career.
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