Salman Khan took to Twitter to share the new trailer of Kangana Ranaut’s Dhaakad. He tweeted, “Wishing team #Dhaakad the very best #KanganaRanaut @rampalarjun #SohelMaklai.” It can be recalled that Kangana had attended Salman’s Eid party which was hosted by Arpita Khan. Thanking Salman on Instagram, Kangana wrote, Thank you my Dabangg hero heart of gold. I will never again say that I’m alone in this industry… thank you from entire Dhaakad team.” Have a look at Salman’s post and Kangana’s reaction below:
Wishing team #Dhaakad the very best #KanganaRanaut @rampalarjun #SohelMaklaihttps://t.co/zqjgHNzPfe
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 12, 2022
In a recent interview with Siddharth Kannan, Kangana had said Bollywood celebs don’t praise her due to their insecurities. She had said, “These people don’t want to praise me. Sometimes, I feel there is no lobby but people have a lot of their own insecurities. The other day, Kiara met and she praised me. She said watch both the films (Dhakad and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2) and this and that. I don’t think there is pressure. I always say everyone is a feminist till they actually see a woman rise. Phir thoda sa hurt hota hai (It hurts a bit). I went to a Bollywood party (Arpita Khan’s Eid bash). Every person in the party was only talking about the trailer. When you are so impressed by a trailer–all of you–why is it so hidden then?”
Maybe Salman’s tweet was because of Kangana’s comments. Reacting to the tweet, a fan suggested that the two should get married. Have a look at the tweet below:
Bhai please marry Kangana mam ??
— KOUSHIKK (@YourKoushikk) May 12, 2022
Well, can you imagine what will happen if they actually think about getting married?
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