Bharti Singh and her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa were hosting Hunarbaaz, but the former is now not a part of the show as she has delivered a baby boy a few days ago. But, recently, Bharti and her son joined the team of Hunarbaaz via video call, and the promo of the same has been shared by Colors TV. They posted on Instagram, “Bharti ki presence ko stage pe kiya miss, toh lagaya unhe video call aur diya Karan Johar ne unhe surprise gift.”
Bharti is replaced by Surbhi Chandna in the show, and as Mithun Chakraborty tries to flirt with her, the comedian in the video call says, “Dada this girl is 62 years younger than you.” So, Mithun replies, “Bandar kitna bhi Buddha hojaye, gulati maarna nahi chhodhta.” Later, Bharti takes her son in her hands, so Karan sings the song Lakdi Ki Kathi for the little munchkin. After Karan finishes singing, Bharti jokes, “Beta aapne itna saha hai, ab mamu he aapki launch karenge.”
Bharti and Haarsh were blessed with a baby boy on 3rd April 2022. A couple of days ago, on their YouTube channel, the couple had shared a video in which they had shown their child’s first journey from the hospital to their house. In the video, Bharti also revealed that for now, they are calling their child Gola as he is very golu (chubby).
In the video description, the couple had written, “Hi Doston, Finally hum ghar aagaye hai! Ab hum do nahi rahe, we have our child with us! Apne prayers me hame zarur rakhna… Shukriya Hamare sare video pe itna pyaar dene ke liye!!!”
Well, Bharti is an inspiration for many women as she worked till the last day before her delivery. Recently, Haarsh also stated that she will start work soon.
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