Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar proudly shared videos of daughter Sitara’s first Kuchipudi dance recital on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami. The young lady has been learning the dance form since some years now. Sitara Ghattamaneni is one of the most followed star kids on social media. She has her own account. Kuchipudi is one of the famous Indian classical dance forms from the South. We can see her in a silk pavadai with jewellery and gajra. Sitara has a very expressive face, and it is evident from the video. Take a look at it….
The proud dad wrote, “Sitara’s first Kuchipudi dance recital… Couldn’t be happier to present it on this auspicious day of #SriRamaNavami. This Shloka speaks of the greatness of Lord Rama! In awe of you my Situ Papa and your dedication to your craft! You make me more and more proud!” It seems she is learning from Mahathi and Aruna Bhikshu. Kuchipudi originates from the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is a classical dance form based on the Sanskrit text, Natya Shastra.
Her mom, Namrata Shirodkar commented, “Speechless, teary-eyed, proud, happy… so many emotions run through me as I see this recital!! A proud mother I am!! @arunabhikshu garu and @mahathibhikshu, I owe this creation to you both and Sitara is evolving into a beautiful little woman because of your hard work, continuous support and love. I will always remain ever so grateful to you both. What a beautiful way to start this auspicious day! Wishing you all a very happy Sri Ram Navami.” Producer Boney Kapoor also sent Sitara his blessings along with Shilpa Shirodkar and other celebs.
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