The nuptials of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are expected to happen in Mumbai from April 13 to 17. It is going to be a big fat desi wedding with all the rituals. It seems the couple will throw a lavish reception at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel later on. Rahul Bhatt who is the son of Kiran Bhatt, the first wife of Mahesh Bhatt is going to be a part of the security arrangements for the marriage. He has told Aaj Tak that the security for the wedding of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt is going to be very tight. It seems the star couple is planning to deploy as much as 200 bouncers for the event, which is being hailed as the wedding of 2022.
It seems the planning for the marriage has been on for a month now. Earlier, it was being said that they would marry after the release of Brahmastra, but that is not the case. Ranbir Kapoor has made it evident that he wants to marry now, as they had plans to marry in 2020. But he did not reveal the date in his recent interview. Rahul Bhatt told AajTak. in that Yusuf Bhai is spearheading the security of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. He is the owner of Mumbai’s best security force, the 9/11 agency. He is in charge of the same. It seems 200 bouncers have been deployed. Rahul Bhatt will also send ten boys from his agency.
Rahul Bhatt said that guards will be placed at both RK Studio and Vastu, the bungalow. The team is also getting drones for the function. Roving patrol officers will be there with every guest at the wedding. He said, “I will also look after the security and fulfill the duty of a brother.” The families apparently wanted guards with good presentable personality. They wanted everyone to look impressive. He said, “They must be diplomatic, speak english, be polite and non-smokers.” The two have been dating since 2017 now.
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