Zeenat Aman took to Instagram and shared a throwback picture of herself with her children Azaan Khan and Zahaan Khan. The picture featured a much younger Zeenat holding her children, both of whom were very little. Zeenat revealed that the image was from 1990, clicked in front of the ‘now demolished Searock Hotel in Bandra’. She spoke about how exhilarating and challenging parenthood is.
Zeenat said that there’s no guide to prepare anyone for the challenges of parenthood. She added that it’s a diverse, yet challenging aspect of life. The star revealed after she gave birth to Zahaan and Azaan, they became her one and only priority. The Satyam Shivam Sundaram actress further added she aimed to shape her children into ‘kind and loving men.’
She concluded by saying that unconditional love is what she approached motherhood with, and it is what every parent owes to their children. The Yadon Ki Baarat actress also criticised parents who reject their kids over reasons like ‘sexual orientation, choice of partner or desired profession,’ adding that it saddens and angers her. Zeenat called for parents to accept their children for who they are.
Zeenat Aman on the wisdom of parenthood
She also gave some wisdom on parenthood which she learnt throughout her life. ‘My boys are strapping adults in their thirties now, and it feels as though their childhood zipped by before I could catch my breath,” said Zeenat Aman. She added, “So, here are some optional pearls of wisdom for any new parents. Enjoy every moment that you can with your babies, and don’t beat yourself up over the small things. A broken plate here or a teacher’s note there, hardly signal the end of the world. We don’t owe our children perfection, we owe them love, support and guidance.’
Shweta Bachchan commented on the Don actress’ post, and commented ‘Well said, as always.’ Archana Puran Singh said that agreed with her sentiment, saying that ‘motherhood was a role you were born to and revelled in.’ Alia Bhatt’s mother Soni Razdan commented red hearts on her post as well.