Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar have all the reasons to be on cloud nine today. After all, the power couple is celebrating their first wedding anniversary today. For the uninitiated, Yami and Aditya had tied the knot in an intimate ceremony last year and had made the big announcement with a beautiful pic from their D-Day. And now, on their first wedding anniversary today, Yami and Aditya have treated fans with a priceless video from their D-Day comprising of several unseen moments.
Taking to their respective social media handles, Yami and Aditya shared a video which featured their cute moments from their mehendi and wedding day. The video featured the power couple enjoying every bit of their mehendi day and their simple yet mushy moments made us go aww. Furthermore, the power couple also gave a glimpse of unseen wedding moments. Sharing the video, Yami and Aditya confessed their love for each other. They wrote, “For all you do, for who you are, I will be forever grateful you are in my life. Happy 1st Anniversary!” along with a heart emoticon.
Take a look at Yami Gautam’s first anniversary post here:
Earlier, Yami, in her interview with Gulf News had stated that marrying Aditya was one of her best decisions. She also asserted that despite having different interests, they connected on family values. “We live in an era where being an actor and a director requires specific skill sets. But then you realise that you can have different interests and hobbies. But your core ethical values need to match … Even if I don’t believe in ‘opposites attract’ theory for couples, Aditya and I strongly believe in our families and its importance,” she added.
Also Read: Yami Gautam-Aditya Dhar 1st Anniversary: Actor calls him best companion, reveals celebration plans; EXCLUSIVE
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