Woman’s Morphed Photos Circulated, Suspects Booked | Aurangabad News

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Woman’s Morphed Photos Circulated, Suspects Booked | Aurangabad News
Woman’s Morphed Photos Circulated, Suspects Booked | Aurangabad News


Aurangabad: Aurangabad city police have booked unidentified suspects who, in an attempt to recover an instant loan a woman never took, allegedly morphed her personal photographs and shared them with her contacts.
Preliminary probe has revealed that the suspects were using over 100 WhatsApp numbers to target each of their victims.
Police said the woman, a resident of Pune, had downloaded a Chinese instant loan application to seek a loan in April this year.
Following the due process, she even shared her identity documents. But, she was denied loan citing poor CIBIL score. However, she started receiving calls from people claiming to be recovery agents of the instant loan app, which started demanding money.
Osmanpura police station inspector Geeta Bagwade said despite the woman telling them that she did not take any loan, and that she is not going to pay them, the suspects threatened her with dire consequences.
Soon, the suspects started targetting her by morphing her pictures and sharing them with her family members as well as all numbers in her contact list.
“The problem with such instant loan applications is that at the time of downloading the app, it seeks all the permissions, including access to all the contact numbers in the phone as well as the phone’s media gallery,” said Bagwade, adding that the suspects use photographs as well as contact numbers to circulate morphed photographs of their targets.

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