Woman With Rs 1 Crore Salary Shares Secrets To Crack Job Interviews

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Woman With Rs 1 Crore Salary Shares Secrets To Crack Job Interviews
Woman With Rs 1 Crore Salary Shares Secrets To Crack Job Interviews

People all over the world continue to look for ways to succeed in job interviews. For many, there can be nothing more stressful than facing a panel of people deciding whether their application is a good fit. Everyone of us must have been in such a situation, right? If job interviews are giving you nightmares, there’s one person who can help – Kenny Buckey. The influencer shared a clip on TikTok about the most common questions we face in a job interview and how to deal with them.

Kennie Bukky works in fintech and claims her salary reached £100,000 (roughly Rs. 1 crore) by the age of 26. In a video, she gives valuable advice to her followers on how to handle job interviews.

The influencer suggested that the end of the interview, when recruiters ask if there is anything job seekers want to ask them, is a crucial moment. She asked her followers to have a list of questions ready for the segment as it demonstrates their critical thinking skills.

“First, always have a solid list of a few questions you’ll ask them to demonstrate your curiosity, your interest in the role, and even your critical thinking. When it comes to this particular question, I always ask this question at the very end of my series of questions, and the question is usually this: “Based on the conversation we just had, based on this interview, do you have any concerns about my ability to fulfill this role or just any concerns about me as a candidate in general?” she said, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

According to Buki, if you follow this advice, you’ll make a more positive impression on recruiters. Tactics can also help you gauge your chances of advancing to the next round.


In another video, Buki mentioned that talking about hobbies, personal details and irrelevant details can also reduce your chances of being selected. She advised her followers to be specific when answering their questions.

The influencer also had another piece of advice for her followers – to constantly re-upload their resumes to job platforms like LinkedIn and Glassdoor. She claims this tip can help them more easily attract the attention of recruiters.

These suggestions may help you ace a job interview next time.

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first published: 01 May 2023, 13:10 IST

last update: 01 May 2023, 13:10 IST

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