Akshay Kumar was reportedly in several relationships before marrying Twinkle Khanna. In fact, one such relationship of Akshay Kumarwho was grabbing big headlines before he got married Twinkle Khanna in 2001, was that s Shilpa Shetty. It was said that the two were very much in love and many expected to even walk down the aisle. Therefore, their separation came as a shock to many and the news of Akshay deciding to get married twinkling suddenly it was even more of a shock, though neither was that shocking Shilpa it was later claimed to be the reason for their breakup.
Shilpa Shetty has alleged that Akshay Kumar confronted her twice with Twinkle Khanna
According to an entertainment news report in India Today, Shilpa Shetty told a leading tabloid in 2000 that she never imagined that Akshay Kumar could beat her twice and moreover, it was not a one-off or a rare occurrence as she claimed that he did throughout their relationship, claiming that Twinkle Khanna was the one he was cheating on her about. However, she was also quick to point out that she was neither upset with Twinkle then, nor does she harbor any animosity towards her now, as it’s not her fault if a man cheats. Shilpa had stressed that there was no point in blaming another woman; all the blame was entirely on Akshay.
Shilpa Shetty Alleges Akshay Kumar ‘Used and Dumped’ Her
In the same interview, Shilpa Shetty went on to reveal that Akshay used her and then conveniently dumped her after finding someone else, stressing that she’s sure he’ll get it all back one day. She also emphasized that it was not easy to forget the past, but she is glad that she had the strength to move on. When asked how she and Akshay are doing after their split, Shilpa didn’t mince her words and immediately replied that he is a forgotten head as far as she is concerned and that she will never work with him again.
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