Alia Bhatt is expecting her first baby. Barely a little over two months since tying the knot with Ranbir Kapoor, the happy couple has exuberantly announced to the world that they’re on the road to becoming parents. Alia Bhatt took to her official Instagram handle earlier today, 27th June, to break the news to all her fans and the rest of the world in a cute post, where she can be seeing lying on a hospital bed, wistfully looking at the sonography screen of her baby (covered with a large heart emoji) to obstruct the pic from the public’s view while hubby Ranbir Kapoor looks on though we can only see him from the back. She captioned the post: “Our baby… .. coming soon.” Check it out below:
Alia Bhatt to continue shooting for Hollywood debut
So, what will now happen to Alia Bhatt’s upcoming Hollywood debut, Heart of Stone, which she’s currently shooting for with Gal Gadot aka Wonder Woman and Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Gray). Well, a source close to the actress has exclusively apprised BollywoodLife that Alia Bhatt will continue her shooting assignment for the Netflix movie as per her commitments as her pregnancy phase has just begun and there’s no reason why she needs to go off work in the foreseeable future .
Alia Bhatt to promote Brahmastra as planned during pregnancy
So, what about her upcoming commitments to Brahmastra? Another well-placed source in the industry has informed us that her schedule to promote the Karan Johar and Ayan Mukerji film, costarring husband Ranbir Kapoor in the lead will also go on as planned as even by then she’ll just be midway through her pregnancy . Well, it’s good to see work not taking a back seat till it has to, right?
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