Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda is all set to make his Bollywood debut with upcoming film ‘Liger’. Also starring Ananya Pandey, the film is set against the backdrop of mixed martial arts and it also gave Vijay an opportunity to share screen with boxing legend Mike Tyson. In a recent media interaction, the actor shared his experience of working and interacting with Iron Mike.
Vijay told IANS that Tyson only wanted to have fun while working on this project. He stated, “Mike Tyson came to just have a blast. He doesn’t consider himself an actor. He was like ‘Why are you casting me as an actor?’ We told him that it’s his persona that adds so much to the film. The weight of his stardom lends the gravitas to the film. He used to come, listen to the scene, toy around a little with it.”
The actor further shared, “Initially, we were a little worried if we would get what we wanted him to do. Ours is a different kind of cinema. I talk in Telugu in my comfort space. The same goes for him with regards to English…But, the time acted as grease on the film’s journey, it went well with time and we soon started functioning on the same wavelength.”
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