Vicky Kaushal had an OTT release last month titled Govinda Naam Mera. After getting love for Karan Johar’s film, he returned to the Meghna Gulzar project. Vicky resumed filming for Sam Bahadur as he flew to the 10th city. Preparing for shooting, the actor returns to his next project. Does this mean he will miss the Lohri celebration with wife Katrina Kaif?
After impressing everyone with Sardar Udham in 2021, fans are expecting him to slay in the Manekshaw story. The team shoots continuously for two but then takes a break for Govinda Naam Mera promos. So far, the film has been shot in nice locations including Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. Recently, Vicky Kaushal soared to the 10th spot.
He broke the news through his official Instagram account. Posting a selfie from a flight with a caption that shows Sam Bahadur is taking a photo starts in the 10th city. Since Vicky Kaushal starts shooting for Sam Bahadur 2 days before Laurie, it doesn’t imply that Laurie will be celebrating with his wife Katrina Kaif. Last year, the duo celebrated the festival after being newlyweds. Kaushal had posted a cute picture of himself hugging Katrina, who was wearing a red kurta.
This year Vicky was busy shooting for movies and as a result of his anniversary he was absent. However, Katrina visited him to celebrate their day. Will it be the same here? Will Katrina fly to celebrate Lohri with her husband this year again? The Phone Bhoot actress was not spotted at the airport, so that seems doubtful.
Moving on to Sam Bahadur, he is based on the late Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. Vicky Kaushal will essay the role of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw in the Meghna Gulzar directorial. The film also stars Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Sheikh. It is slated for release on December 1, 2023.
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