Vicky Kaushal brought her ‘Zara Hatke, Zara Bachke’ energy to the IIFA Awards. The actor, who hosted the awards with his Manmarziyaan co-star Abhishek Bachchan, had a “special moment” on stage when he danced with Hrithik Roshan. The two stars had fun with Ek Pal Ka Jeena from Hrithik’s debut film Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai. Sharing a glimpse of their performance on Instagram, Vicky Kaushal shared why the moment will always be special for him. In the carousel post, the actor had also shared a throwback image featuring him and his brother Sunny Kaushal as children with Hrithik Roshan on what is likely one of the sets of his film.
“Swipe right to see why this little moment will always be special to me!” Vicky Kaushal captioned the post.
Fans totally loved Vicky Kaushal’s ‘fan moment’. Mini Mathur wrote, “It was the best moment ever.” Filmmaker Mukesh Chhabra and actress Tiska Chopra responded with heart emojis on the post.
Check out the post here:
Zara Zara Kids Hats
Vicky Kaushal is currently busy promoting his upcoming film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke with Sara Ali Khan. Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal have traveled to cities across the country from Indore to Lucknow and now Delhi. The duo was also spotted visiting various shrines. Zara Hatke Zara Bachke directed by Laxman Utekar will be released in theaters on June 2.
Set in Indore, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke revolves around Kapil (Vicky Kaushal) and Somya (Sara Ali Khan), a married couple on the verge of divorce. The film also stars Neeraj Sood, Sharib Hashmi and Rakesh Bedi.
Meanwhile, Vicky Kaushal will also be seen in Meghna Gulzar’s Sam Bahadur. On the other hand, Sara Ali Khan has Ae Watan Mere Watan and Metro In Dino, with Aditya Roy Kapur, in the pipeline.
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