Now this is getting weird day by day. After Rishabh Pant’s near-fatal accident, Urvashi Rautela posted indirect posts related to the cricketers and was massively criticized for the same. And now Urvashi’s mother Meera Rautela also posted a picture of the Ambani hospital where Rishabh Pant was admitted and the caption read, “Everything is fine don’t worry beta,” tagging her daughter Urvashi. And this post received a lot of backlash and netizens are heavily trolling the mother and daughter for this unsavory post. We wonder how Rishabh Pant’s family will react to this. These pictures of Urvashi and her mother have Rishabh Pant’s fans wondering if something is brewing between the couple
Netizens are having fun with this post and getting extremely mean with their comments. We wonder if this post is intentional to get attention, well, it looks like it. One user said, “Hospital hi chli joa milne madam kyu logo ko gumrah kr rhi ho jakr dekh aao jab pyr krti ho to…”. Another user commented, “Family Pagal hai kya iska”. Another user commented, “Damad ji thik hojayenge don’t worry.” Urvashi and her mother were prepared for this.
On the day of Rishabh Pant’s incident, Urvashi Rautela shared a picture of her and captioned it as praying and netizens felt that she was indirectly hinting at Rishabh Pant. We wonder if the mystery between Urvashi and Rishabh will ever be solved? There were strong rumors that Rishabh Pant and Urvashi were in a relationship, but they never officially spoke about it. but these subtle hints from Urvashi show that she is in love with the star cricketer.
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