Urvashi Rautela was upset after being accused of stalking cricketer Rishabh Pant. The actress was criticized by social media users for following the cricketer in Australia before the start of the T20 World Cup. She also posts cryptic posts about relationship issues. Her posts often talk about love, marriage and commitment. She recently posted a video wearing sindoor and mangalsutra. Users there commented on her to leave the cricketer alone while he prepares for the World Cup.
The actress in her video, where she wore a sindoor and a mangalsutra, wrote that “they are just harassing her” and that she was called a stalker. She also mentioned that no one cares how she feels as she has received no support from anyone. The actress looked very lost in the video. In her caption, she also mentioned that a strong woman is known to feel deeply and love fiercely. Her tears flow abundantly as she laughs and she is strong as well as powerful and also spiritual and practical. A woman is a gift to the universe.
Watch video of Urvashi Rautela in sindoor and mangalsutra.
Some social media users supported the actress. Few of them motivated her by saying that she should not let negativity affect her or be brought down by anyone. Some of them asked if it was okay. She was also teased with Rishabh’s name and told that he is busy with the World Cup. A skeptic also wrote that the actress is upset because Rishabh hasn’t responded to her.
For the uninitiated, the Indian cricket team is in Australia and ready for the T20 World Cup. On October 23, the first match is against Pakistan, which will be held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. According to reports floating online, Rishabh has denied the fact that he dated Urvashi a few years ago. It was in 2022 when Urvashi once said that Rishabh once waited in a hotel for 10 hours and she felt bad after seeing his missed calls which were 16-17 times.
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