Upasana Konidela and Ram Charan they will have a baby anytime soon. This is an exciting time for the Konidela and Kamineni and Reddy families. The two shared the happy news a few months ago. And since then Upasana and Ram Charan have been the talk of the town. Ram Charan and Upasana have already arrived at the hospital. And the video goes viral online. Ram Charan and Upasana fans were eagerly waiting for the star couple to welcome a baby.
Upasana and Ram Charan reach the hospital
Upasana Konidela and Ram Charan reached Apollo Hospital. Upasana is the vice president there. The expectant mother was spotted in casual clothes. She was wearing a baby pink t-shirt and pants. Ram Charan accompanied Upasana. He was also seen wearing a checkered shirt and trousers. They were accompanied by other people, apparently their relatives or people from the hospital. Ram Charan and Upasana seem to have decided their baby’s due date in advance, it seems. The video is going viral in entertainment news right now.
Watch Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela’s video here:
Upasana and Ram Charan on pregnancy
Earlier, Upasana Konidela revealed that she is glad that she did not succumb to the pressure to have a child soon after getting married and that she and Ram Charan collectively decided the same. The two wanted to be financially secure to raise a child together and were in no rush. Of course, there was talk of inheritance and wealth passed down through the generations. But Upasana and Ram Charan wanted to raise their baby alone.
Upasana revealed that she and Ram Charan decided that she should freeze her eggs for the time being as they both want to be financially settled and secure. Upasana also spoke about the importance of being aware of different channels to afford healthcare, stating that healthcare is very affordable in our country. She also claimed that her insurance would cover her delivery.
It was earlier reported that Upasana and Ram Charan will welcome their first child in July. However, it seems that the duo has also decided on the birth of their baby. If reports are anything to go by, Ram Charan and Upasana will soon become mommy and daddy.
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