UK Artificial Intelligence Sector Analysis Study

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UK Artificial Intelligence Sector Analysis Study
UK Artificial Intelligence Sector Analysis Study


The Government is undertaking research to understand the UK’s AI sector and how it is growing. The research informs government policy on artificial intelligence.

Ipsos has been commissioned to conduct the field survey, which will be conducted both online and over the phone between late October and December 2022. The survey only takes around 15 minutes to complete.

Participation is voluntary and completely confidential for all individuals and organizations. The survey is not trying to sell you anything.

Take an online survey.

Who is the survey aimed at?

Our research partners have compiled a list of companies in the UK AI sector using publicly available contact details. Within these organizations, Ipsos would like to speak to someone with an overview of your business’s products or services and your AI business growth plans. This could be your CEO, CTO, company director, or a senior member within an AI or data science team.

You can download the Ipsos privacy notice for the survey. This document explains the purposes for processing your personal data as well as your rights under data protection regulations.

How to speak your mind

Participation will be either online or via telephone interview. During the fieldwork period, some AI businesses will be called by an interviewer from the Ipsos office in Edinburgh (number 0131) inviting them to participate. They may also receive an email notifying them that Ipsos has called and inviting them to respond or complete the survey online.

On average, telephone interviews last about 15 minutes, although the actual length of the interview may vary depending on the answers the respondents give. The interview will take place at a time convenient for each respondent.

If someone in your organization has requested it, you may also have received an email letting you know that Ipsos has called and invited you to respond.

Preparation for the survey

To help you choose the right person in your organization to participate and prepare for the interview, Ipsos has created a pre-interview question help sheet.

Download the Ipsos questions help sheet.

If you have any questions about the survey, you can email Ipsos at


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