Bollywood actresses Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover found out today that the couple is expecting their first child soon. Neither of them has made an official statement, but the fans are very excited about this news, and they are expected to share their joy with their fans soon. At the same time, many celebrities are going to become parents this year, so let us tell you about the actress who announced the news of her pregnancy in 2022.
In 2022, more specifically this March, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja shared the happy news of their first child with their fans through social media. Sonam Kapoor, who shared a photo of her husband Anand Ahuza with a baby in her arms, has announced that she is pregnant. Recently, the actress has been enjoying her pregnancy and continues to post photos on her social networks.
Newlyweds Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who wed in April 2022, also broke the good news to fans last month that they are going to be parents. However, the fans were delighted and a little surprised. Alia Bhatt shared a photo of her ultrasound and revealed she was pregnant.
Speaking of Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, they got married in 2016 and have been married for six years now. When the news broke that Bipasha Basu is going to be a mother, fans are eagerly waiting for the announcement of the two.
Bollywood stars have not only pleased their fans with good news this year but also shared news of pregnancy by popular TV actor Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinnie Arora some time ago, saying that she will become a mother. – I’m going to be a father soon.
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