Prasanth Varma is all set for the release of his first film from his cinematic universe HANU-MAN starring talented actor Teja Sajja in the lead role and the internet has gone abuzz with its Bombarding Teaser. The entire nation is going crazy for this Telugu movie because of its spectacular visuals and intense music. From the first shot of the unveiling of the majestic statue of Lord Hanuman to the last shot of the camera entering a cave in the Himalayas to reveal Lord Hanuman himself meditating in ice shaped like a Shiva Linga chanting ‘Ram.. Ram..’ was fascinating.
Seeing the reception of the teaser, the makers of the film decided to scale up the film and release it globally. Yes, HANU-MAN will have a Pan World release in several Indian languages including Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Japanese in Summer 12 May 2023. The announcement video also it feels like watching another teaser. The video creates a great impact with the unique concept of showing the countries that will release the film as HANU-MAN empire as the map is painted in saffron color and with the stirring music of Sri Anjaneya Stotram in the background.
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