The Law & Order star explains the surprising stories she wants to do more of: “It’s obviously not what Law & Order is about

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The Law & Order star explains the surprising stories she wants to do more of: “It’s obviously not what Law & Order is about
The Law & Order star explains the surprising stories she wants to do more of: “It’s obviously not what Law & Order is about

The Law and order franchise has clearly found the recipe for primetime success, with the original show debuting in 1990 and returning in 2022 after a few years off, as if it never aired. This time Jack McCoy was joined by a number of new stars including Hannibal alum Hugh Dancy as ADA Nolan Price. The actor recently spoke to CinemaBlend about the case this prompted Price to change his own rolesand he shared what stories he’d like to do again… even though they’re surprising to the norm of Law and order.

Price went through the wringer in the episode where he found the body of a woman he once had a relationship with and then had to testify in court about that relationship after crossing the line by which Hugh Dancy described as “a terrible thing”. Of course, it was rough on his character and when asked what he would like to do again in the future Law and order as Price, Dancy explained:

Well, it’s always interesting on the show when you get a hint — and it happened a few times for Price — like oh, he has a romantic life! Obviously, law and order is not that. So you just see these [hints] always at really tough times in Price’s life. Once when there was a subway shooting; now, the next person he was romantically engaged to [with], he was found dead behind some bush. It doesn’t seem to be going too well in his romantic life. [laughs] I guess that’s what makes it interesting.

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