In a shocking turn of events, a TV actor Siddhan Veer Suryavanshi died at the age of 46. The actor reportedly collapsed at the gym while working out. He reportedly suffered a heart attack. He was then taken to Kokilaben Hospital where he was declared brought dead. Friends like Sharad Kelkar, Anita Hassanandani and others then reached the hospital to offer condolences to the family. He is survived by his wife and child. Now his friend Vishwapreet Kaur has spoken about his death.
Siddhaanth’s friend Vir Surryavanshi Vishwapreet Kaur spoke about his death
As reported by Hindustan Times, Vishwapreet Kaur revealed that Siddhaanth Vir was rushed to the hospital by his coach. She revealed that she advised him to take up yoga, but he continues to go to the gym. She also revealed that as an actor he was under a lot of stress. Vishwapreet Kaur was quoted as saying, “We don’t know much. Today (Friday) we were supposed to meet after the gym. He even came to me a few days ago. He is a very dear friend of mine. I used to tell him ki yoga kar, stress kam hoga. He was my only friend. I’m in shock.” When asked about being stressed, she said: “What actor isn’t? He was under a lot of stress. This town is stressful.”
On his death, director Vivek Agnihotri also expressed shock. Check out his tweet below:
This is so tragic and sad.
The mad rush to build an aggressive body without medical advice is so dangerous. Hyper-Gymming is a relatively new phenomenon that got a crazy boost thanks to Instagram. It should be regulated for sure. Society needs to rethink.
Oh Siddhant…Peace. pic.twitter.com/bK0kDA8gIG— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) November 11, 2022
Many TV actors also mourned his death.
This is so sad and heartbreaking #siddhaanthvirsurryavanshi rest in peace bro?
Deepest condolences to the family??? pic.twitter.com/H4c9mxd4pi— Kaaranveer Bohra (@KVBohra) November 11, 2022
Really shocked to read about Siddhant’s death. My condolences to friends and family. Om shanti pic.twitter.com/VqKKtXjHc2
— Gautam Rode (@gautam_rode) November 11, 2022
May his soul rest in peace.
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