Since The Kardashians, a popular American reality television programme has premiered on television, viewers seem to be excited to watch the series starring the Kardashian and Jenner families every Thursday. The show follows Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé Kardashian, as well as their half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner and their mother, Kris Jenner, through their crazy lives. Travis Barker, Scott Disick, and others also appear in the series as the Kardashian sisters’ lovers.
As soon as the episode premiered, fans took no time to watch the episode and leave their views on the episode. While some fans laud Kim’s SNL debut, some also laud Kanye for getting Kim’s sex tapes back. But most fans couldn’t stop gushing about how Travis Barker visited Kourtney’s father’s grave to ask for her hand. Without revealing too much, scroll to check out Twitter reactions to the latest episode.
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