Bigg Boss OTT is running in full swing and in a surprising turn of events, the show welcomed two wild card contestants, Youtube Elvish Yadav and actor Aashika Bhatia. Then, according to the latest reports, another Youtuber Dhruv Rathee is all set to enter Salman Khan’s show as a wild card contestant. Dhruv is a well-known name on social media with 11 million subscribers on Youtube. For the uninitiated, it sparked controversy three years ago when Kangana Ranaut’s office was demolished by the BMC. Let’s see why he became the target of the Manikarnika actress.
Dating back to the lockdown scene in 2020, during the Sushant Singh Rajput death case, one of the events that dominated entertainment news was the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s decision to demolish Kangana Ranaut’s office in Mumbai. Then Youtuber Dhruv Rathee’s video accusing the actress of being disingenuous about the decision went viral. This caught her attention and journalist-turned-filmmaker Erai Kathar claimed that he was paid a huge sum to tarnish the image of Kangana and famous news anchor Arnab Goswami.
Erai alleged that the YouTuber with 4 million subscribers was paid Rs 65 lakh to make videos exposing the involvement of SSR’s family in his death and was earlier hired to attack Kangana and Arnab. Although the journalist did not mention any name, Dhruv Rathee came up with an explanation. The Youtuber claims that he has not been paid for making Kangana Ranaut videos nor is he planning any video against SSR. To this Cater replied by stating that he had not mentioned any name, but if he thought it was about him, welcome, and speaking of the accusations, he himself had replied.
Wow, is this stupid fake news about me?
First of all, no one has paid me to make Kangana’s video. Second, I don’t plan on making a video about SSR.
And third, I really wish my sponsorship fees were 30 Lakh per video, how rich will I be?
— Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) October 31, 2020
That’s when Kangana Ranaut herself came on stage welcoming Eray Cather. In response to the teasing, she retweeted Cater’s tweet, writing that this person is undoubtedly getting paid to make fake videos. The actress also claimed that she might put him behind bars for lying about the BMC notice. She wonders why someone would lie about legal matters if they weren’t paid a huge sum of money or backed by the government.
Haha well done @ErayCr of course this fool gets paid to make fake videos, I can put him behind bars for lying about BMC notice about my house in his video for which he was paid 60 lakhs, why would anyone lie openly on legal matters, unless he gets government support or money.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) November 1, 2020
Well, Dhruv Rathi was in big trouble then. He is now a popular YouTuber, enjoying 11 million subscribers on his Youtube channel, where his videos receive over 1.5 billion views. Talking about his other social media account, he has 1.6 million followers on Twitter and 1.7 million followers on Instagram.
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