Popular South Indian actress Keerthy Suresh recently spoke about the casting couch in the Tamil industry and her revelations shocked everyone. Apart from Keerthy, several Tollywood actresses have spoken their hearts out about their experiences on the casting couch in the industry. Keerthy Suresh gave her side of the story on this sensitive topic. In a recent interview with a media portal, Keerthy admits that there is casting in the industry. She said several of her colleagues shared their experiences with her. But she has never experienced anything like this before, perhaps because of her straightforward nature, no one approached her with such an intention.
She even added that in case some directors ask her to engage with him to get a role in the film, she will reject the offer. She would rather quit the film industry and work a regular job than accept such offers as she is not that type. Moreover, Hombale Films announced that their first Tamil project will be a female-centric story. This will be the first collaboration between Keerthy Suresh and Hombale films. Keerthy has worked in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu films.
On the work front, Keerthy has Nani’s Dasara and Bhola Shankar in her kitty. The actress made her acting debut as a child artiste and completed 10 years in the industry. Keerthy reportedly received Ajay DevgnMaidan’s offer but she turned down the role as she was too young to appear as his screen wife. On the personal front, there were rumors that Keerthy wanted to settle down in her life after her parents put pressure on her. The 30-year-old actress has reportedly agreed to get married and is also planning to pursue a second career. These rumors started doing the rounds after Keerthy visited her ancestral village in Tamil Nadu and visited all the temples. Netizens are speculating that Keerthy visited the temples as a pre-wedding ritual. But the rumors seem to be false as the actress is busy with her upcoming films and focusing on her career.
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