Practically every sector has been touched and transformed by the wonders of solar energy. The world of fashion is no exception.
In a recent fashion trend, tshirts and dresses that are activated by solar energy are fast catching the eye of the customer. Dutch fashion designer Pauline Van Dongen, known for her line of smart clothing, is among the pioneers of solar fashion. Back in 2013, the designer introduced ‘Wearable Solar Dress’ and the ‘Wearable Solar Coat’ The said dresses are made of wool and leather prototypes, which include parts of solar cells. They are seen at the time that when the sun shines. When worn during hours of full sunlight, the solar cells have the potential to save solar energy to the extent that it can help charge a smartphone by 50%.
In India too, a popular tshirt brand by the name of The Souled Store has introduced solar activated tshirts priced at under Rs 1000. Interestingly, every time the tshirt is exposed to the sun, the graphics on them are turned on.
This could just be the beginning of harnessing solar energy to make fashion more edge as the possibilities are endless.
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