Social Security and You: Reach into the Mailbag | Business news

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Social Security and You: Reach into the Mailbag | Business news
Social Security and You: Reach into the Mailbag | Business news


I usually like to write columns focused on one particular Social Security topic. But every once in a while I like to just reach into my email inbox and answer the questions I pull out of this online mailbag.

Q: I am 82. My wife is 80. We both took our benefits at 66. I get $2444 a month. She gets $1,670. If I die, what will my wife get as widow’s benefits?

A: Sometimes Social Security calculations can be confusing. But your situation is easy. If you die first, she will continue to receive her own benefit of $1,670, and this will be topped up with $774 in widow’s benefits to bring your total benefits to your rate of $2,444.

Q: My wife and I took our Social Security at 62. We are currently 63. We each work part time. My wife makes far less than the $19,560 we are allowed to make. But I have taken on a little more work and may exceed that amount. Am I entitled to use that part of her $19,560 that she is not using?

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A: Sorry, but it doesn’t work like that. The law sets a limit on how much a Social Security beneficiary under full retirement age can earn. In 2022, that limit is $19,560. And it applies to each individual beneficiary. Spouses cannot combine these restrictions. So, for every $2 you earn above $19,560, $1 must be withheld from your Social Security benefits.

Q: I am 68. I plan to wait until 70 to file for Social Security. But I’m not working and I’m worried that my expected age 70 benefit of $3,440 a month will be significantly less because I won’t have any income for the next two years.

A: do not worry, be Happy! Because benefits are based on your highest 35 years of inflation-adjusted earnings, the fact that you won’t have any earnings between now and age 70 will have little or no effect on your eventual Social Security benefit.

Q: I am 79. My husband is 81. We just divorced after 31 years of marriage. Does he owe me anything extra on his file now that we are divorced?

A: No. The benefit rate paid to a divorced spouse is the same as that paid to a married spouse. In other words, if you were not owed any spousal benefits while you were married to this person, you are not owed any spousal benefits now that you are divorced. But assuming his benefit rate is higher than yours, you’ll get the widow’s benefits on his record if he dies before you.

Q: I am 84. My 87 year old husband just passed away. I receive my own social security of $1980 per month. He was paid $1,575. When I called Social Security they told me that all I owe is the $255 death benefit. I don’t trust the social security worker I spoke with. Could this be correct?

A: Yes, that’s right. You claim either your own benefit or your widow’s benefit, which pays the higher rate. Your own benefit of $1,980 is more than your potential widow’s rate of $1,575. So you will just continue to receive your own $1,980 in retirement benefits. But you are owed this lump sum death benefit of $255.

Q: I was married to my first husband for 20 years. I was a stay-at-home mom during that time, so I don’t have Social Security myself. I fell in love with a foreigner (a Danish man) and divorced my husband and married the Dane. I am now 65 and the social security people are telling me that I cannot get social security or medicare from my first husband. And I can’t get social security from my current husband because he didn’t work in this country. I think I should be able to get some of my first husband’s social security because I was with him for 20 years and raised his two children.

A: I know Social Security was the furthest thing from your mind when you fell in love with the Dane and left your first husband. But as you’re now learning, this romantic adventure comes with some Social Security implications.

The reason you can’t get benefits from your ex-spouse’s file comes down to the issue of dependency. Spousal benefits fall under the broad category of dependent benefits. You receive spousal benefits because you are financially dependent on him or her. And apparently at one time you were dependent on your first husband. But as soon as you married the Danish boy, you became his dependent and your first husband disappeared from your picture (at least your social security dependency picture).

Q: I am 67 and plan to wait until 70 to apply for my social security. But I’ve heard that current beneficiaries will get a big cost of living increase next year. So should I sign up for benefits now so I don’t miss out?

A: You don’t have to do this. Any cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) that Social Security recipients receive are automatically built into the calculation formula for future beneficiaries.

Q: I have a few questions about Social Security. Can you call me at 619-XXX-XXXX so I can review them with you?

A: I’m sorry, but due to the high volume of emails I receive from my readers all over the country, there is simply no way I can call everyone who wants to talk to me. Why not call the Social Security Administration directly at 800-772-1213? They have thousands of phone representatives waiting to help you. Or email me with your questions.

If you have a question about Social Security, Tom Margenau has a book with all the answers. It’s called Social Security: Simple and Smart. You can find the book at Or look for it on Amazon or other bookstores. To learn more about him and to read previous columns and see articles by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit


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