The hottest couple in Bollywood right now is Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani. The two flew back to Mumbai after their short honeymoon today. The two were greeted by Permanent Booking Ho Gayi comment at the airport by the paparazzi. Well, they have also shared their sangeet pictures with fans. In the snaps, we can see them twinning in black and gold. They look absolutely stunning. Sidharth Malhotra is in a black and gold achkan over a black kurta. They both look great and you will be left swooning. Kiara Advani is seen in a golden lehenga with a matching blouse.
Kiara Advani wears diamond necklace with plunging neckline at the top. Celebrities left comments about the couple. As we know only a few like Shahid Kapoor – Mira Rajput, Karan Johar and Manish Malhotra attended the wedding. Shahid Kapoor is one of the close friends of the actress in the industry. Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani later hosted a reception in Mumbai which was attended by all the A-Listers. Here’s how Twitter reacted to these photos of the two…
It’s ok but damn look at the CARD MAPS>>>>> ???#SidKiara pic.twitter.com/h5qrAa3qyy
— mrs.malhotrra (@araddhyaa7) February 21, 2023
Everything but himmmmm?#SidKiara pic.twitter.com/nkrgKKY9oz
— mrs.malhotrra (@araddhyaa7) February 21, 2023
Now tl looks good after almost 6 days ??
Excellency Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra ♥️#SidKiaraSangeet #SidKiara— ˢ ᶦ ᵈ ᵏ ᶦ ᵃ ʳ ᵃ❤️ (@tishai1505) February 21, 2023
You guys really love your movies.. Shaadi pic with Shershaa dialogue.. Sangeet pic with Sothi disco dewayne lyrics?❤
I love you guys #SidharthKiaraWedding #SiddharthMalhorta #Sidkiara #KiaraAdvani https://t.co/CmVzwgAnCF
— Human (@criccrazygirl) February 21, 2023
As we know, the Something About Tonight… line is from the Student of the Year disco song. The film was Sidharth Malhotra’s debut. We know that Karan Johar plays Cupid to this adorable couple.
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