On Sunday, Shraddha took to her Instagram and shared a series of pictures featuring herself. The post commences with an endearing self-portrait, featuring Shraddha in a light-yellow night shirt. It proceeds with an adorable snapshot of her alongside her beloved pet dog, followed by a capture of her lunch plate containing rice, pulses, cauliflower, and various condiments. The collection also included a close-up image of her furry companion, as well as glimpses of nature, such as a guava hanging from a tree and vibrant flowers. Finally, the post concluded with a serene view of the blue sky. Sharing the pictures, Shraddha wrote in caption, “What’s your Sunday mood??? Mine is Jhalli.”
Soon after the actress shared the post, fans poured their love for Shraddha in the comments section. Reacting to the pictures, a fan commented, “She is the cutest actress of Bollywood,” while another user wrote, “Love her simplicity.”
On the professional front, Shraddha Kapoor was last seen in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, which received rave reviews. She will be next seen in Stree 2, which is one of the highly anticipated films from her roaster. Talking about Stree’s second instalment, Shraddha said, “The plan is to start for it very soon. My fingers and toes are crossed because people have really been entertained with Stree and hopefully with Stree 2 as well.”
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor shares her morning fitness routine for a healthy start
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