Shehnaaz Gill launched her talk show Desi Vibes which is graced by popular celebrities to promote their films. The Punjabi singer recently had a conversation with YouTuber Bhuvan Bam and the two were having a blast. In a chat with the Tazaa Khabar star, Shehnaaz opened up about her marriage plans and opened up about her relationship status.
Shehnaaz went into shock and depression after her boyfriend Siddharth Shukla passed away. The two came together during the TV show Bigg Boss and their couple received a lot of love all over the world. After the reality show, they shared a wonderful bond and gave the vibe of a couple. Unfortunately, in 2021, it was shattered by the untimely demise of Siddharth Shukla. The Punjabi kudi came out of the heartbreak zone with time but lost her faith in marriage.
In an old chat session with Rakul Preet Singh, the Bigg Boss fame clarified her relationship status. She then revealed that she is currently single and not dating anyone, while people were linking her with Jassi Gill. Speaking to Bhuvan Bam, Shehnaaz said that she no longer believes in marriage. She said you don’t know what will happen in the future, you have to be prepared for everything. She mentions that she wants to continue working and be financially stable so that she has enough savings when she loses her job. Shehnaaz aims to grow tall and settle down by getting married so soon. She wants to save in life so that there will never be a time when she has to beg for money.
Meanwhile, Shehnaaz was seen in a Moon Rise music video with Punjabi singer Guru Randhawa. On the work front, the actress will make her Bollywood debut with Salman Khan in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. the film is slated to hit theaters on Eid 2023 on April 21. Besides, she also has 100% directed by Sajid Khan. She is also associated with Anil Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar in Thank You for Coming.
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