Shark Tank India 2 judge Namita Thapar recently spoke candidly about being body-shamed in the show’s latest promo. The shark revealed that she was a victim of shame during her teenage years. A promotional video shared by the channel shows entrepreneurs pitching their clothing brand and saying they would like to make clothes for plus-size people.
Namita, who is the CEO of Emcure Pharmaceuticals, asked them why they hadn’t thought of making clothes exclusively for plus-size people. Namita says she was called ‘behind’, ‘mothy’ and people shamed her. The pitcher said the biggest problem in the plus-size industry is that plus-size people are treated as outcasts. But their brand will make them feel included and there won’t be a separate size chart for them.
Watch Shark Tank India 2 Promo Video –
Well, this isn’t the first time Namita has spoken out about body shaming. Last year, during a conversation with Chetan Bhagat, Namitha said that when she was 21, she was bullied for being overweight and having a lot of facial hair and acne. She said she felt ugly and no man would look at her. She even revealed that body shaming as a teenager left a lot of scars. She even said that a boy in her class called her “the girl with the moustache” in Marathi.
Talkin about Shark Tank India 2, Rahul Dua, comedian is seen hosting the show while Peyush Bansal, Amit Jain, Namita Thapar, Anupam Mittal, Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh are seen judging the show.
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