Brahmastra turned out to be a hit. Refuting all negativity, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia BhattThe film has managed to do wonders at the box office. Brahmastra, dir Ayan Mukerji broke Bollywood’s dry spell at the box office as it managed to pull in the crowd. It had a great opening weekend and now it remains to be seen what happens in the coming days. Apart from Ranbir and Alia, Shahrukh KhanVanarastra’s cameo in the film is also loved by all. Excited fans even leaked a clip from the film featuring him. Now there is a petition.
Entertainment News: Releasing Brahmastra just for Shah Rukh Khan?
Yes, on change.org, Shah Rukh Khan fans have started a petition demanding a spin-off featuring only him. He essays the role of Mohan Bhargav in the film and fans are so impressed that they want a film only for him. There are many comments saying that he would do justice to the role and his 20 minute presence in Brahmastra was very impactful. One comment read: “Because why not? His screen presence lit up the room and his backstory deserves its own movie.” Would you sign the petition?
Unbelievable?… #SRK fans start a petition for full #AstraVerse movie with him!!! As a fan I have signed…I request all SRK fans to do so too !!! ??????#brahmastra spin off starring Shah Rukh Khan – Sign the petition! @iamsrk https://t.co/Nty8AYk2hs via @ChangeOrg_India
— Girish Johar (@girishjohar) September 12, 2022
Talking about Brahmastra, it also stars Nagarjuna, Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy in pivotal roles besides Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. All the stars received positive reviews for their acting qualities in the film. While the box office reports show that Brahmastra is a hit, there are debates and discussions about the alleged inflated numbers. Kangana Ranaut has alleged that Dharma Productions inflated the box office numbers of Brahmastra.
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