Shahrukh Khan along with his entire family attended the inauguration of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre. Gauri Khan, Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan looked stunning on the red carpet. The moment they posed with Salman Khan went viral. He also called Aryan Khan for a separate picture. Fans have not stopped gushing over how good Salman Khan and Aryan Khan look in one shot where Pooja Dadlani released pictures of Shah Rukh Khan’s outfit for the evening. Well, fans are trending last night’s photo. One look at this picture and no one will believe that he is 57.
In the photo we can see it in characteristic black. The superstar wears a black shirt with a black semi-formal jacket. He’s left a few buttons open, giving us a peek at his chiseled torso. Shah Rukh Khan gelled his hair with a single strand, teasing us. Fans were left craving for King Khan and his son Arrian. They are convinced that the two already look like brothers. Mahira Khan’s reaction to the picture is actually all of us…
We see even Oscar winner Guneet Monga left a heart emoji for the picture. There are rumors that Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan will work for Tiger Vs Pathaan from 2024. He said that he will keep that physique. Shah Rukh Khan’s super realistic polished body for Pathaan has impressed even his harshest critics. Mahira Khan is one of the biggest celebrity fans of King Khan. They shared great chemistry in Raees.
My heart is so crazy that this love made you ❤️?
Chess looks cool as hell?#ShahRukhKhan #Srk#yavan
— AMIT KUNTAL (@Amitreigns6) April 1, 2023
BOLLYWOOD’S UNTIMELY ON-SCREEN COUPLE ?? Louder please…truth and facts should be spoken the loudest? @iamsrk @itsKajolD #ShahRukhKhan? #ShahRukhKhan #SRK? #SRK #Kajol #SRKajol ??
— Melancholy (@Melanch89806859) April 1, 2023
Well, Shahrukh Khan has always been blessed with charisma. His look after Pathaan unleashed a new dimension to his inherent sexiness.
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