Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s Pathaan is constantly in the news. Some fringe groups said they would not allow a smooth launch in India. It seems that CBFC has made some changes to the film and now it is ready for release. The biggest point of contention was the saffron colored bikini worn by Deepika Padukone in the song Besharam Rang. Now the Delhi High Court has issued new directives to the makers of Pathaan. But it’s a welcome move for movie buffs. According to legal news portal, Bar And Bench, the Delhi HC has asked the makers of Pathaan to add “audio descriptions, close captions and subtitles in Hindi language” before Pathaan is ready for an OTT release. This will make the film accessible to hearing and visually impaired moviegoers.
Once the makers make the changes, they have to submit it to the CBFC for re-certification. These changes need to be made in the film before it releases on OTT platforms. As we know the Pathaan craze is huge. This is a great move to reach a new segment of people. Presiding Justice Prathiba M Singh told Yash Raj Films to submit these changes by February 20 and the CBFC to take a decision by March 10. But no decision has been taken in this regard regarding the theatrical release of Pathaan which is happening on 25 January 2023. Amazon Prime Video has bought the OTT rights of the film. It seems that some lawyers, law students, and hearing and visually impaired people have started a petition. They want movie producers to make changes so that this segment can also enjoy movies.
It seems guidelines have been issued to give Hindi subtitles but many producers are not interested in providing such facilities. Pathaan has English subtitles so far. Abhishek Malhotra represented Yash Raj Films and said the changes will be implemented in a reasonable manner as per the court’s directive. The judge said producers should ensure that everyone can enjoy movies in theaters by providing such facilities.
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