The whole hype around Pathaan is getting bigger. Yesterday, Madhya Pradesh Minister Narottam Mishra said that the song Besharam Rang was objectionable. All the fuss seems to be around the saffron bikini that Deepika Padukone wore in the song. It’s not even a light orange or saffron, but rather a rich shade of burnt orange. Many right-wing people gave it a religious angle, with Shah Rukh Khan being a Muslim superstar. The fact that he is wearing a green jersey has also caught the scanner. Such controversy is unheard of in Bollywood and even in Indian cinema.
Shahrukh Khan effigy burnt in Indore Against the use of saffron color in the song of Shahrukh Khan’s film Pathan, the Veer Shivaji group from Indore protested by burning Shahrukh Khan’s effigy at Malwa Mill Crossroads against #pathan @AmitShah #indore pic.twitter.com/vpAHAtxZPG
— Sameer Khan (@Sameer18786K) December 14, 2022
News channels are now reporting that members of a group called Veer Shivaji Group have burnt effigies of Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in a chowka in Indore. They asked people to remove the objectionable scenes and take notice of how the use of saffron panties demeans Hinduism. The film will hit theaters on January 25, 2023. It’s been a little over a month. We have to see if these protests will take on bigger dimensions in the coming days. This is not the first time that a Deepika Padukone film has landed in hot water. We know what happened to Padmaavat.
Pathaan is mounted on a huge budget. The actors have apparently already decided to skip interviews. Ajay Devgn did the same for Drishyam 2. Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone will promote Pathaan during the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The superstar actress is already under the right wing’s radar for her visit to JNU.
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