Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s wedding will take place in the second week of April. Yes, you read it right! The most awaited wedding of the year will reportedly happen with only family members in attendance. The lovebirds of Bollywood will be getting married in April 2022. If reports are to be believed then, both Ranbir and Alia will be walking down the aisle between their hectic shooting schedules. The source was quoted by IndiaToday. and “Both the families have decided the wedding will happen around the second week of April. This decision was taken by Ranbir and Aalia’s impending work commitments and also a date that was picked by the family pandit. ”
According to reports, the wedding will take place at RK house in Chembur, Mumbai. Earlier there were reports that the two would get married in Udaipur, Rajasthan. But now it is reported that their family wants to keep the wedding in Mumbai.
A source spoke about Ranbir’s busy shooting schedules. The actor will be shooting for Luv Ranjan’s romantic drama with Shraddha Kapoor on April 13. “Ranbir has reworked his shoot dates to accommodate the wedding. He will be shooting for Luv Ranjan’s film in early April. After that, he has a gap of around 7-8 days and then he jumps into Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, “said the source.
Moreover, the handsome actor Ranbir will also reportedly start shooting for Animal on April 22. Both Ranbir and Alia will be getting a few days between April 15 to April 20 to get married.
On the work front, Alia recently shot for a commercial with Aamir Khan which was supposed to happen in mid-April. The actress has purposely kept her dates free of any commercials or film projects.
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