According to the latest report, Bollywood top star Salman Khan‘ personal security has been beefed up, hours after gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’ gang claimed responsibility for murdering Punjabi Singer Sidhu Moose Wala few days ago. In 2018, Lawrence Bishnoi threatened to kill Salman Khan.
Bishnoi, 31, is the son of an agriculturist in the sleepy Dhattaranwali village near Abohar in Ferozepur district of Punjab, and is currently lodged at the Tihar jail. Bishnoi has 2 dozen cases registered against him, ranging from the murder to extortion.
Bollywood Khan’ security has increased after analyzing the threat levels. A police officer said: We have enhanced the overall security of B Town actor Salman Khan. Police will be present around his apartment to make sure no nefarious activity is done by the gang from the Rajasthan
In 2018, Bishnoi’s aide threatened to kill the Kick and Sultan fame actor in relation to the blackbuck killing case. Bishnois believe that blackbucks are sacred animals and Khan was threatened by the gangster. Bishnois had said in past, “We will kill the actor Salman Khan in Jodhpur. Everyone will know once we take action. I have not done anything as of now; they are accusing me of the crimes for no reason.”
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