Actor Sanjay Kapoor and jewellery designer Maheep Kapoor’s son Jahaan Kapoor turned 17 on Thursday. They shared a series of photos with Jahaan as they wished him on Instagram. Sanjay’s elder daughter Shanaya Kapoor earlier announced her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar’s film Bedhadak. Also Read: Sanjay Kapoor’s son Jahaan Kapoor matches uncle Anil Kapoor’s Mr India look, fans say, ‘he’ll be perfect for the sequel’
Sharing a bunch of photos, Maheep wrote, “I love you the most my Jahaan #My17yrOldBoy.” In the photos, the mother-son duo is seen posing for the camera. Some of the pictures that Maheep posted, are from their recent US trip. Seema Sajdeh, Zoya Akhtar, Karisma Kapoor, Sunita Kapoor, Sussanne Khan and others also wished Jahaan in the comments section.
Sanjay also shared a picture with Jahaan, in which they were seen hugging each other. Sharing the picture, Sanjay wrote, “Happy birthday Jahaan. Love you.” Sanjay’s brother Boney Kapoor, Farah Khan, Bhagyashree, Suniel Shetty, Ronit Roy and others wished Jahaan in the comments section.
Sanjay and Maheep got married in 1997. In 1999, they welcomed their daughter Shanaya Kapoor and in 2005, son Jahaan.
In 2020, Maheep Kapoor and her friends Seema Khan, Bhavana Pandey and Neelam Kothari were seen in the Netflix show Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives. On the show, Maheep revealed many things about her personal life. At one point, she even mentioned that she knows how it feels to be the “supposedly unsuccessful” part of a big family. Anil Kapoor and Boney Kapoor are her brothers-in-law, while the late actor Sridevi was her sister-in-law.
Their daughter, Shanaya started her Bollywood career as an assistant director with the film Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, which was released in 2020. The film starred Shanaya’s cousin Janhvi Kapoor in the lead role. She later made an appearance in Netflix’s The Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives.
Shanaya will be making her Bollywood debut with Dharma Productions Bedhadak. The film will also star actors Lakshya Lalwani and Gurfateh Pirzada. Earlier in May, she announced the news on Instagram and unveiled her first look from the film.
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